Disclaimer of JREALGAMES

Hey there,

We want to be upfront with you about the info on our site. Everything we share on https://jrealgames.com/ is meant for general knowledge, and we’re doing our best to provide accurate and reliable information. But, here’s the deal – if you decide to act on any info you find here, it’s all on you. We won’t be responsible for any losses or damages that might happen.

Also, if you click on links that take you to other websites, we don’t control what’s on those sites. We try to link to good stuff, but things can change, and we can’t guarantee the content.

Keep in mind that when you leave our site, other places might have different rules about privacy and terms. Make sure to check what those are before you get into anything serious.

By using our site, you’re cool with these terms. Our disclaimer was last updated on January 10th, 2024, and if we ever tweak it, we’ll make it clear here.

Stay informed, https://jrealgames.com/ The Team